¿Cómo se usa?
Ficha Técnica
¿Cómo se usa?
Place the tablets in the skimmers or chlorinators and allow their complete dissolution until reaching a value in the pool water between 0,5 - 2,0mg/L of free chlorine. To reach the desired level, dose 2 tablets of product for every 50 m3 of pool water to treat. Replenish the tablets to keep the chlorine level free as they are consumed.
The desired pH value of the pool water should be bewteen 7,2 to 7,6. If necessary, use either the SERMAS pH (pH increaser) or SERMINUS pH (pH Decreaser) Servyepool-line products to adjust the pH within the recommended range.
Ficha Técnica
Format: 5 and 25.
Composición: ácido tricloro isocianúrico.