Chlorine is added to the water to kill germs. Proper sanitation is needed to maintain the visual clarity of water and to prevent the transmission of infectious waterborne diseases. The recommended values for having a proper pool sanitation are ranged from 0,5 to 2,0mg/L of free chlorine.
If this value is slightly above 2,0mg/L of free chlorine, stop dosing the biocide product SERNEUTER LQ until the readings measured in the water are back within the recommended values (0,5 - 2,0mg/L of free chlorine).
If this value is exceeded to a greater extent, add the SERNEUTER LQ product to quickly Decreaser the free clhorine content present in the water.
As a guideline dosage: add 350mL of SERNEUTER LQ product per each ppm of residual free chlorine in excess or for every 100 m3 of water to be treated.
Después de la adición del producto se debe garantizar una correcta homogenización con todo el volumen de agua de la piscina, para lo que es necesario garantizar que todo el volumen de agua se haya recirculado al menos una vez, completándose así un ciclo de filtración entero.
Antes de abrir la piscina para su uso, se debe asegurar que el nivel de cloro libre se encuentra dentro de los valores adecuados.
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